Tuesday 21 September 2010

Target Audience

As I have said before, I believe my target audience to be both young males and females as the band I have constructed is of mixed gender, e.g. Paramore, Skillet etc.
The attraction for the female side of the audience will be the lead singer as I am using his voyeuristically as the main focus, however the music genre appeals to both males and females in today's modern society.
The brand image I have created with the clothing the band wears and the instruments used would appeal to a more grungy type of audience who are likely to attend festivals, concerts etc.
Here is an example of my target audience (this is also the age group I will most likely attract):

The lead singer will also have a very direct mode of address so as the audience can connect with him, as they feel he is singing directly to them.
I will try and appeal to my audience by studying their favourite music genre and clothing style and trying to get my band to reflect this - creating a brand. I will also try and reflect any attitudes/beliefs of the audience, hence females are more likely to relate to this song because its a sensitive topic, but males may do also if they have ever been in the same position.

Hayley Williams from Paramore is very often voyeuristically used, hence her male fanbase:

Her orange hair is her USP and makes her a memorable figure for the band.


Internet plays a big role in modern society, especially for teenagers, therefore I will most likely post the song and video upon the internet through these sites:

-Myspace: (because my band in unsigned) this is one of the biggest sites for unsigned artists to display their music in hope of getting signed. This site is also able to display videos and people all around the world can view them and become fans of the band.

-Youtube: The most famous site for posting videos, Youtube has millions of viewers each day so it means I have greater chance of someone watching my video and spreading the word about it. Videos can also be commented on and "favourited", "liked" and "disliked" so viewers offer good criticism of my video but can also offer a fan base for my work.

-iTunes: The favourite site for downloading both songs and videos, although it now costs to download off this site, again it offers good advertisement for my music video and would reach my target audience a lot easier

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