Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Arrival (selected band)

Here is my email & their response to it, they agreed to let me use their song.

I have chosen the song "Turn the Page" by The Arrival.
I am deciding to do a narrative to this song and a typical band such as this is most likely to contain some form of performance, therefore I shall include this also.

By the look of this picture I believe the band would appeal most to a teenage girl audience as all the members are pleasing to look at (voyeurism), and are young enough to be "fanciable" by this age, a current example of a similar band like this would be "The All Time Low"
I feel that their genre is punk rock/scene as the music isn't heavy, however the use of the typical band instruments such as guitars and a drum kit suggest it to be of the rock genre.

I found the band via the unsigned artists section on MySpace, I then chose the music based on what appealed to me.

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