Monday 20 September 2010

"Turn the Page" Soundtrack Lyrics

I never thought I would see the end of us
But lately things haven't felt the same
Now I'm looking back, wondering how we got off track
When I look in your eyes, tell me why you can't look back

I know the story's over
Tell me why things have to change
If this is where we have to end
Then why can't I turn the page?

Now I've got to figure how to say goodbye
But I just can't bring myself to call

I know the story's over
Tell me why things have to change
If this is where we have to end
Then why can't I turn the page?
I can't believe that the story's over
Why can't I see that we both have changed?
Now I'm the only one left holding on
What we had is over

What could have changed how we feel?
When did the time stop standing still?
Whatever happened to the life that we had?
It's gone

To me these lyrics suggest that a couple have broken up after a long time of being together and one of them is taking it badly (possibly the one who's been left)
The lyrics are written in the past tense and therefore the break-up has already happened.

Interrogatives are often used when the singer is questioning himself as if this is where he places the blame of the relationship going wrong. He also uses them to question what happened "What could've changed how we feel?", showing that he's trying to understand the situation, as he doesn't know why they've split up or why they've changed.
The collectives of "we" could suggest the singer still sees them as together or wishes this, however in "What could've changed how we feel?" it demonstrates that they've both possibly fallen out of love with each other even though he doesn't want this.

From analysis of these lyrics I am deciding to demonstrate said breakup at the start of the video and then the rest of the video showing the couple apart. Because the singer is singing the lyrics as if the problem has happened to him, I am using my chosen singer for my band as the male in the narrative.
I will also display the hardship of the singer getting over his lost love and how he cannot let go.

The name of the song "Turn the Page" has inspired me to create a photo album with pictures of the couple together and then apart as a metaphor of their relationship. The end of the video will consist of the singer closing the photo album to suggest closure on their relationship.

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