Sunday 20 February 2011

Filming Schedule

I found my downfall on this project to be the fact that my filming schedule wasn't very solid, this often resulted in me rushing about trying to film when I could without any thought to it.
Next time with filming I will make sure I plan and know what I'm definitely doing way in advance, resulting in less stress and I will enjoy what I'm doing more.

However from what I filmed this was my schedule:

Day One:

I decided to start filming the narrative to experiment with shots and decide what would look best.
I used Sam and Maddie for this part as they were of course the couple I used in the narrative.
I had to explain to my actors what the song was about so they knew how to act around each other in the right scenes, I feel this went well and we managed to achieve love scenes as well as break up ones effectively.
I enjoyed directing my actors with how to act in the scenes.
However I feel time went too quickly here and I didn't fully know what I wanted to film, I ended up with less filming than I would've liked.

Day Two:

Today I managed to get a loan of instruments (Guitar, bass, drumkit, microphone) from the music department in school and I started filming the performance side of my music video.
This time I used Maddie, Sam, Jodie & Jakub as the constructed band and I decided to use my school stage as the setting because it looked more realistic and represented the target audience well.
We ran into trouble from the beginning of filming as both guitars had no straps and were awkward to hold, and the drumkit had no drum sticks so we had to make do with using pens and hoping that no one would notice!
We overcame the problem of having no guitar straps by getting both players to sit down and play the guitars instead.

Because the singer didn't know the lyrics entirely we often had to reshoot the miming scenes, I played the music in the background so as it was easier for the singer to know when to mime.
I felt the drumkit shots were the best of the day as even though Jakub couldn't play the drums at all he did a pretty good job!

Day Three:

Here I planned what narrative to film and went out to do it as it was a nice sunny day and was perfect for the silhouette shots I wanted.
I felt more comfortable with filming as I had planned ahead and I got a lot more done with shots I preferred.
Overall today I felt I had enough filming to finish my video entirely.

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