Monday 28 February 2011


Here is the prop list for the items used in my music video

These are the props used for the performance side of my video:

Here are the Electric and Bass guitars that were used in filming, however they did not have straps on unfortunately so this is why I have chosen to do some close up shots of them playing so as you could not tell the players were sat down (it was awkward to play the instruments stood up).

This is the drum kit I used in the performance, however we could not find any drum sticks so we had to adapt to using pens instead - hopefully this is not noticeable!

Below is the microphone used by the lead singer, again for realism.

These are the props used for the narrative half of the video:

This and another photograph were used, they were not stuck into the album so as the singer was able to interact with them.
These are supposed to represent past memories and again the singer not being able to let go of what he's lost.

This was the album used in filming, it originally was to demonstrate a metaphor of the couple breaking up however this was too tedious to achieve and instead I chose to use it as a suggestion of memories.

Here is the phone used in my video to also demonstrate the singer cannot let go of the girl as he is ringing her.

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