Friday 18 February 2011

First Day of Filming

My first day of filming I chose to film the narrative first and get it out of the way, if I were to refilm any of these shots I will make sure they are wearing the same clothes so as continuity is achieved - this may eventually become a problem.

Here are some clips I will be using in my video:

Shot one displays a happy memory of the couple that the singer will reminisce about, it is more colourful in comparison with the bad memories they have together so as to show a contrast in emotions. I am happy with this shot as it demonstrates a happy teenage couple (target audience of the video being teenagers), this is emphasised by all the focus being placed on them holding hands.

Shot two is the shot I will be using to demonstrate the singer picking up the photo album, I prefer the angle on this as doesn't show exactly what the singer is picking up until the next shot - this would provoke curiousity in the audience.

Shot three and four follow on from shot two to display to the audience exactly what the singer is doing/looking at so as the narrative is obvious.

Rejected Shots:

Here are a few of the shots I rejected or redid later on -

Shot one I rejected because I felt the couple looked more like good friends than romantically involved, I redid did the shot to make them look more intimate whilst still keeping the happy feel to it.

Shot two I rejected because I felt the angle I used in the other shot of the photo album was a lot more effective in displaying what is happening, this angle to me feels flat and boring so I decided against using it.

Shot three was rejected for the cat appearing in shot, brilliant timing!

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