Wednesday 29 September 2010

Videos that have Inspired me

After listening to the song by my chosen band I went off searching around YouTube for similar music genres, this are the videos I came across that inspired me the most:

This video inspired me as it is very similar in context to that of the song I chose to use. I found the band members playing the piano in the snow an interesting idea, I presume it was done to reflect the cold emotions felt at seeing "Katie" with another man. I also like the use of a blue filter to again represent the emotions of the scene.
The lyrics are very cleverly done for example, the oxymoron title demonstrates the conflict of emotions felt by the singers through the contrast of words used.

This video inspired me for the use of constant performance throughout with small references to some sort of narrative.
The direct mode of address used by Avril Lavigne works really well to get the message across in her lyrics, it feels as if she is singing directly to someone.
I also like how the video changes pace when the music does.

I particularly liked the use of "cue card" lyrics written upon the hands of many different people, it felt as if an audience were being involved. This techinique also provoked curiousity for me as to what the next hand would say and who it would be.

Wednesday 22 September 2010


"An animatic is a series of still images edited together and displayed in sequence. A rough dialogue and/or rough sound track is added to the sequence of still images to test whether the sound and images are working effectively together."

Here is our finished animatic with the original video, we used the first sixty shots of "Hero" by Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott.
I worked with four others to produce this animatic, we also took it in turns editing so we all had an equal amount of experience with what an animatic consisted of.

We feel as a group that this animatic worked as the timing of the shots worked well with the music in comparison to the original video. We also found ways of using effects on the computer to reflect when the cameras zoomed in on the original video, we feel this was effective too.

These were the storyboards used:

-Establishing Shot
-Long shot
-Long shot to Medium shot
-Medium shot to Long shot
-Long Shot with the use of Kens Burn to initiate a zoom-in effect
-Medium Shot
-Aerial Shot
-Medium Shot

-Medium Shot
-Medium Shot
-Long Shot with zoom-in
-Medium Shot
-Close Up
-Aerial Shot
-Medium Shot
-Close Up

-Close up
-Long Shot
-Close Up
-Extreme Close Up
-Medium Shot
-Close Up
-Close Up
-Close Up

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Target Audience

As I have said before, I believe my target audience to be both young males and females as the band I have constructed is of mixed gender, e.g. Paramore, Skillet etc.
The attraction for the female side of the audience will be the lead singer as I am using his voyeuristically as the main focus, however the music genre appeals to both males and females in today's modern society.
The brand image I have created with the clothing the band wears and the instruments used would appeal to a more grungy type of audience who are likely to attend festivals, concerts etc.
Here is an example of my target audience (this is also the age group I will most likely attract):

The lead singer will also have a very direct mode of address so as the audience can connect with him, as they feel he is singing directly to them.
I will try and appeal to my audience by studying their favourite music genre and clothing style and trying to get my band to reflect this - creating a brand. I will also try and reflect any attitudes/beliefs of the audience, hence females are more likely to relate to this song because its a sensitive topic, but males may do also if they have ever been in the same position.

Hayley Williams from Paramore is very often voyeuristically used, hence her male fanbase:

Her orange hair is her USP and makes her a memorable figure for the band.


Internet plays a big role in modern society, especially for teenagers, therefore I will most likely post the song and video upon the internet through these sites:

-Myspace: (because my band in unsigned) this is one of the biggest sites for unsigned artists to display their music in hope of getting signed. This site is also able to display videos and people all around the world can view them and become fans of the band.

-Youtube: The most famous site for posting videos, Youtube has millions of viewers each day so it means I have greater chance of someone watching my video and spreading the word about it. Videos can also be commented on and "favourited", "liked" and "disliked" so viewers offer good criticism of my video but can also offer a fan base for my work.

-iTunes: The favourite site for downloading both songs and videos, although it now costs to download off this site, again it offers good advertisement for my music video and would reach my target audience a lot easier

Monday 20 September 2010

"Turn the Page" Soundtrack Lyrics

I never thought I would see the end of us
But lately things haven't felt the same
Now I'm looking back, wondering how we got off track
When I look in your eyes, tell me why you can't look back

I know the story's over
Tell me why things have to change
If this is where we have to end
Then why can't I turn the page?

Now I've got to figure how to say goodbye
But I just can't bring myself to call

I know the story's over
Tell me why things have to change
If this is where we have to end
Then why can't I turn the page?
I can't believe that the story's over
Why can't I see that we both have changed?
Now I'm the only one left holding on
What we had is over

What could have changed how we feel?
When did the time stop standing still?
Whatever happened to the life that we had?
It's gone

To me these lyrics suggest that a couple have broken up after a long time of being together and one of them is taking it badly (possibly the one who's been left)
The lyrics are written in the past tense and therefore the break-up has already happened.

Interrogatives are often used when the singer is questioning himself as if this is where he places the blame of the relationship going wrong. He also uses them to question what happened "What could've changed how we feel?", showing that he's trying to understand the situation, as he doesn't know why they've split up or why they've changed.
The collectives of "we" could suggest the singer still sees them as together or wishes this, however in "What could've changed how we feel?" it demonstrates that they've both possibly fallen out of love with each other even though he doesn't want this.

From analysis of these lyrics I am deciding to demonstrate said breakup at the start of the video and then the rest of the video showing the couple apart. Because the singer is singing the lyrics as if the problem has happened to him, I am using my chosen singer for my band as the male in the narrative.
I will also display the hardship of the singer getting over his lost love and how he cannot let go.

The name of the song "Turn the Page" has inspired me to create a photo album with pictures of the couple together and then apart as a metaphor of their relationship. The end of the video will consist of the singer closing the photo album to suggest closure on their relationship.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Arrival (selected band)

Here is my email & their response to it, they agreed to let me use their song.

I have chosen the song "Turn the Page" by The Arrival.
I am deciding to do a narrative to this song and a typical band such as this is most likely to contain some form of performance, therefore I shall include this also.

By the look of this picture I believe the band would appeal most to a teenage girl audience as all the members are pleasing to look at (voyeurism), and are young enough to be "fanciable" by this age, a current example of a similar band like this would be "The All Time Low"
I feel that their genre is punk rock/scene as the music isn't heavy, however the use of the typical band instruments such as guitars and a drum kit suggest it to be of the rock genre.

I found the band via the unsigned artists section on MySpace, I then chose the music based on what appealed to me.