Saturday 17 July 2010

Videos that have Inspired me

After listening to the song by my chosen band I went off searching around YouTube for similar music genres, this are the videos I came across that inspired me the most:

This video inspired me as it is very similar in context to that of the song I chose to use. I found the band members playing the piano in the snow an interesting idea, I presume it was done to reflect the cold emotions felt at seeing "Katie" with another man. I also like the use of a blue filter to again represent the emotions of the scene.
The lyrics are very cleverly done for example, the oxymoron title demonstrates the conflict of emotions felt by the singers through the contrast of words used.

This video inspired me for the use of constant performance throughout with small references to some sort of narrative.
The direct mode of address used by Avril Lavigne works really well to get the message across in her lyrics, it feels as if she is singing directly to someone.
I also like how the video changes pace when the music does.

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