Thursday 12 May 2011

Evaluation Question 3

3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?


-My class liked the idea of using the lead singer in most of my band shots as this reflected typical rock bands with voyeuristic lead males, although the rest of the band is shown they are not shown quite as intimately as the singer.
I have learnt from this technique that male lead singers do indeed entice a female (and possibly male) audience much more than the rest of the band.
My audience also began to feel pity for the lead singer because of the isolated shots, and by making "Maddie" seem heartless and uncaring in the break up scenes. The use of the filters was also mentioned to have helped this effect and the video to be quite emotional overall.

I learnt from this information that provoking sympathy for the lead singer also caused the audience to side with him - again a voyeuristic image.

Here is a video of some examples of shots that my class particularly liked and which I therefore kept in my final video:

-Feedback on my digipak was as follows; my class really liked the front cover of my album as they felt it was eye catching and greatly reflective of the "fun" personality I wanted to show my band as. I learnt that to appeal to a target audience of a certain age, appealing to what they expect the band to be like, or showing them how they really are, is often the best policy.

-My Magazine advert also received positive criticisms from my peers, they felt it was clear, noticeable and that the picture used was very generic of band photography. I found that the clearer and less complicated the font the more people preferred it as they still got the information they required to know. The use of the picture I also learnt helps an audience to instantly recognise the advert and who it is about.


After showing my video to my class I received quite a bit of criticism for my video;

-In particular my miming was off in some areas and I therefore fixed this so as to make my video more realistic and believable in this sense, because good music videos obviously make the sync between soundtrack and video precise so as to look professional.

-Another main problem with some of my shots was that when I filmed shots of Sam miming I found that you could see the "Drummer" in the background but he was not playing, it therefore caused the shot to lose realism. Here is an example of what I mean :

Instead of refilming the shot I overcame this problem by using the "Kens Burn" function on iMovie and got the shot to appear as if the camera is zooming in on the singer, this made the background smaller and the people in the foreground (Sam) closer to the camera causing there to be more focus on him than anything else in the shot. Hopefully this means that when people watch my video they will not notice this mistake.

-My class also found some of my shots slightly repetitive, to overcome this I filmed more narrative to work into my video to make it more interesting overall. I found this helped to make my video more memorable, therefore suggesting the more unique and interestingly filmed videos are makes them easier to remember.
Here are some screen shots of stills from my video, these shots I refilmed to help make my video more interesting and keep the audiences attention. My class welcomed these new shots positively because they felt they created strong emotions in the video and made it overall less repetitive:

Shot one - This shot was liked because it added a dream-like and magical element to the memory displayed and it therefore fitted with the context it was in. The filter placed upon it also enhanced the effect I was trying to portray.

Shot two - This shot was liked for the silhouetted effect on the figure, this combined with the person walking away from the camera made the scene feel sad and lonely.

Shot three - This shot was liked for its abstract nature, the use of shadows could be interpreted as showing what the couple once were to what they are now.

All three shots received positive feedback for their unique and interesting nature.

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