Monday 21 March 2011

Rough Cut 2

Here is another clip showing my music video's progression.
Here I have refined my shots to make them seem more professional and I've added in some effects to help the clips flow together.
I have also started placing filters upon some of the clips to represent a bad memory or a good memory - so that they contrast.

From criticisms in the class that state I need more performance and narrative shots I have decided to film these and add them in - my video should be finished after this 3rd round of filming.

Postively, my classmates liked the pace of the shots and how well timed they were with the music change. The filters and editing was also liked because it gave an obvious mood to the clip and made the narrative easier to understand seeing as I wasn't using any diegetic sound.
I feel some of my shots are a bit repetitive so I shall try and film more narrative and performance to fill in these parts and give myself a wider variety of shots overall.

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