Friday 22 October 2010

Goodwin's Theory:

Andrew Goodwin identifies six features of music videos, these being:

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performances in rock band videos, or dance routines in girl pop bands.)

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals.

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop a visual style that recur across their work.

5. There is frequently reference to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.

6. There is often intertextual reference (e.g. films, TV programs, other music videos etc)

Goodwin's Features in my Music Video:

1. My music video demonstrates a stage performance as the band is a typical rock band. I have shown this through the use of a lead singer (miming) and shots of generic instruments being played (Guitars, drum kit etc)

2. At times I have taken the lyrics literally and shown this in the video, a prime example:

"When I look in your eyes..."

"...tell me why you can't look back..."

I have also demonstrated this point by using a break up as the main focus of the video because, after analysis, this is what I believe the lyrics are saying.
Initially in my pitch I was going to use a photo album to represent the singer not being able to "Turn the Page", I still used this idea however as a reoccurring image and not as the main focus, I feel the repetition insinuates the singer's emotions going round in circles.

3. Like most bands performance plays a key role in their videos, I have also chosen to do this which therefore shows a link between my visuals and music.
In my video I have used a band of people to mime the playing of instruments for me so as to add realism to my piece and make it a stereotypical and effective video for my genre of music. I have also achieved this realism through the use of a lead singer miming the lyrics so as it feels to the audience that the song is actually being sung.

4. I tended to focus upon the face of the lead singer mainly as he is to be my voyeuristic image for young female audiences. I used close-ups of the singer when singing to try and get across the emotion he is portraying through the lyrics.
Each of my band members wore befitting clothing for the genre of music, for example, skinny jeans, spiky belts, baggy t-shirts etc to create an image of the band for the audience, this style also reoccurs in my digipak with similar clothing being used to create consistency.

5. Although there was no female voyeurism in my video, as this was not the style, I tended to focus mainly around the lead singer for the purposes of attracting a young female audience (typical of bands like this, examples being 'All Time Low', 'The Rocket Summer' etc). I also used the lead singer within the narrative to further promote this idea and create pity for him from the attracted audience.

An example of the singer being the forefront of the band:

6. Unfortunately my video makes no intertextual references in my video apart from the advertisement of the phone Sam uses to ring Maddie.

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