Friday 10 December 2010

Album Cover Inspirations

Here are some typical band covers. I tried to find bands that are similar in style to the band I have chosen, there is also a variety of some I chose that I could easily achieve & it'd still reflect the band.

I like this cover as it promotes the whole band, this has influenced my style of photography for my album cover as I have chosen to place my band as the central focus of the cover. I also like the fun and happy nature the band portrays, hence I have made my band reflect this by depicting a funny scene of their own.

Here I have decided to use the black background to place the image upon as it throws it forward more. The dark background also allows any writing on the cover to be more noticeable than if it were a white background.
The simple background of the back cover I would also like to use for my own idea as this would be easier to write the song list upon.

Here I like the simplicity of the cover, it reflects to me a typical boy band because of the paint ball splatters dotted around the cover. However I have also chosen not to use this idea as I feel placing my band on the cover would be more eye catching than this.

In the instance of Hollywood Undead I like the mix of the surreal with a photo line-up of the band, however this makes the band seem detached and dark which is not the idea I am going for. The anonymity of the band members I also do not like as I would like my target market to be able to see the band and be given a partial insight into what they are like as people - demonstrating them as the average person rather than something superior because of their talent.

I have noticed from some album covers, such as the above, that often bands create a surreal scene to reflect what the band are like or how they perceive the music on the album to be.
I have decided to not follow this idea as it would be very hard to construct and photograph a scene like this - photographing the band is a much easier and less time consuming approach.

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