Thursday 7 April 2011

Music Video - Final Cut

Here is the final cut of my music video.


My class feel I have achieved what I set out to make, they feel the shots fit really well with the narrative and genre and that pace is used appropriately throughout.
My class particularly like the filters I have used and after explaining why I used them they feel they work for the image I was trying to portray.

What do you think are the strengths of your music video?

I believe the pace of my shots with the music is a strength of my video, instead of distracting the viewer from the music it enhances the meaning behind the lyrics. I am also very fond of the transitions that demonstrate either a quickening in pace or a blur to signify a flashback/memory.
I also feel the contrast of filters on scenes works well. The "bleach bypass" filter I used for the sad scenes as it removed most of the colour from the shot conveying the emotions of the singer to the audience. This I contrasted with the use of "romantic" and "dream" filters to show positive flash backs of what the couple once were, I also found that the "dream" filter made the shot less sharp and I decided to keep this to reflect as fuzzy memory.

What do you think are the weaknesses?

I feel my band shots may be slightly repetitive and this could be boring for the audience to watch, I tried to overcome this by mirroring shots and only playing them for split seconds so as I could show my narrative instead. I also feel some of the performance shots aren't in sync with the music but this is because the people playing could not play instruments at all.
I also feel some of the shots do not run smoothly with the entire video and look as if I have just placed them at random, if I were to do this next time I would make sure the shots work well together and re-film anything I needed to do again.

Similarities to my Animatic and Pitch:

Like my pitch and animatic I kept the idea of a couple separating and tried to get across the negative emotions of the boyfriend through shots of him being alone.
I also kept the idea of using a photo album (and photos) to represent memories and the inability to let go of what you once had.


Although I kept in the idea of the photo album I decided not to use it as the main focus of my video because I thought it would get too repetitive, I also chose not to use the idea of the photo turning into a real clip as this was too tedious and I found other shots I preferred.
Whilst messing around with the filters on iMovie I also decided to include the use of these as well as some transitions to make the video more interesting to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwh I really loved it Hannah, full on felt sorry for Sam </3 You can't really hear the background noise :)

    Great job lovely xxxx
