Thursday 27 January 2011


Costume is important in music videos for creating a brand for the band, costume can also suggest what type of music a band is likely to play. For example, a heavy metal band is likely to wear a lot of black clothing and studded jewellery, whereas a rap artist is more likely to wear baggy trousers, dipsy hats, "bling" etc.

In my music video I will get my band members to all wear jeans, in particular skinny jeans, because this style of trousers can be changed to suit any type of music depending on their style. I have chosen skinny jeans to stereotype the band and style of music they are expected to play.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Music Video Animatic

Again we were asked to produce an animatic but this time it is a montage of our initial ideas for our music video.
This time we worked alone to make it, I had fun in arranging the shots so that they fit with the music, and adding in transitions to give me inspiration for using them in the final product.

Friday 14 January 2011

Music Video Storyboards.

Here are the storyboards of the initial ideas for my music video.

Shot One:
-Long shot
-Here the band will be introduced to the audience so that the initial image of their music style is made known.

Shot Two:
-Close-up/Extreme Close-up
-This shot shows the guitarist playing and will be synced with the guitar playing in the soundtrack

Shot Three:
-Here the drummer is introduced, this too will be synced with the soundtrack

Shot Four:
-Close-up/Extreme Close-up
-Introduction of other guitarist

Shot Five:
-Lyrics: "I never thought I would see the end of us, but lately things haven't felt the same."
-Introduction of led singer.

Shot Six:
-Medium Shot
-Lyrics: "And now I'm looking back"
-This shot displays a couple holding hands, perhaps a black and white filter may be used as it is a memory shot.

Shot Seven:
-Medium Shot
-Lyrics: "Wondering how we got off track"
-This shots demonstrates the girl and boy arguing, the girl breaks up with the boy.

Shot Eight:
-Lyrics: "When I look in your eyes, tell me why you can't look back."
-Boy pleads with girlfriend to not go, girl turns to walk away.

Shot Nine:
-Medium Shot
-Drummer playing the drums in sync with the soundtrack.

Shot Ten:
-Medium Shot
-Lyrics: "I know the story's over"
-Singer singing in sync with the soundtrack.

Shot Eleven:
-Medium Shot
-Lyrics: "Tell me why things.."
-Singer sitting in the window looking out of it, missing his girlfriend/ex

Shot Twelve:
-Lyrics: "..have to change."
-Singer reaches for a photo album containing pictures of his girlfriend and them together.

Shot Thirteen:
-Over the shoulder shot
-High angle to demonstrate looking down at the album
-Lyrics: "If this is where we have to end."
-Singer opens the album to a page with the couple together on.

Shot Fourteen:
-Extreme close-up
-Lyrics: "Then why can't..."
-Singers attention brought to this picture, removes it from the photo album and looks at it.

Shot Fifteen:
-Medium Shot
-Lyrics: "Why can't I turn the page?"
-Photo switches to filming of the same scene to demonstrate the singer reminiscing.

Shot Sixteen:
-Medium Shot
-Guitarist playing.

Shot Seventeen:
-Extreme close-up
-Lyrics: "Now I've gotta figure out how to say goodbye."
-A picture of the ex girlfriend is shown.

Shot Eighteen:
-Lyrics: "But I just..."
-Singer picks up phone.

Shot Nineteen:
-Extreme close-up
-Lyrics: "...can't bring myself to call."
-Singer stops on girlfriend's number but then decides to switch off the phone.

Shot Twenty:
-Lyrics: "Now I'm looking back, wondering how we got off track."
-Singer singing.

Shot Twenty One:
-Lyrics: "When I look in your eyes..."
-Literal interpretation of the lyrics: camera looking at the girlfriend as if it is through the eyes of the singer.

Shot Twenty Two:
-Lyrics: "...tell me why you can't look back."
-Singer sweeps hair out of the girls face, she looks away.

Shot Twenty Three:
-Lyrics: "I know the story's over"
-Singer is flipping through the photo album.

Thursday 13 January 2011

The Arrival - My Version

Here is my constructed band and the parts each played:
I decided to use a mixed gender band as it was a lot easier for me to construct.

Sam Lane - "Singer/Boyfriend"
I chose him for his looks and style as I feel he reflected a typical lead singer.

Maddie Monte - "Guitarist/Girlfriend"
I chose Maddie for her style in clothing as I felt that fitted with the band and therefore I didn't have to get her to wear anything different (costume).

Jakub Gan - "Drummer"
I feel drummers in bands usually have a larger build than that of the singer and guitarists, therefore I felt Jakub fitted this part really well.

Jodie Randle - Bass Guitarist
Again chosen for dress sense so as I didn't have to find costuime for her to wear, I felt she fit the part of the band.