Monday 22 November 2010

Band Photography Inspirations

Here are some photo line ups of bands of similar style to my chosen one.
If I decide to use a photo of the band for my magazine cover and album cover these will help me in understanding the style used for band photography.

Fallout Boy

Sum 41

Billy Talent

From my research into band photography I have noticed that they often take a line-up of the band, or show all the band members having equals amounts of the photo each.
However in the Fallout Boy example they have added a comical intertextual effect with the Star Wars Light sabers, this shows them to be immature and also quite "geeky". The line-up of Sum41 is also comical but this time through the expressions of the band members - it would appear to me that bands can often be described in their photos as fun and childish, this also reflects their music style as Fallout Boy & Sum41 are not necessarily serious artists. On the other hand, Billy Talent have more serious and unhappy expressions as well as poses, this may be a reflection of their music and lyric style.

Magazine Inspirations

Here are some examples of magazine covers from magazines that are likely to have my promotional album advert inside.
As my band play rock music I would like to use that genre of magazine to reflect their image.




These three magazines are the most likely examples to display my band on their cover, as the image I am using for The Arrivals and the own image they have created of themselves is very similar to styles such as Blink 182, Muse & Biffy Clyro.
Therefore I will be advertising my chosen band upon the template of one of these magazines as they are appropriate for the style of music.
It would appear in each of these covers the artist is placed over the title so as they are centre of attention on the front cover, I have decided to mimic this effect in my own cover.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Music Video Pitch

Name of Artist: The Arrivals

Track Title: Turn the Page

Outline of Ideas

As the lyrics suggest a break up I would like to describe this in my music video by filming a boy and a girl in separate shots to signify the separation.

I would begin by showing the two in the same shot with one walking away from the other, this will be the only shot where the two appear together and it will be when the boy is breaking up with the girl.

My idea will mainly follow the girl around and display her reaction to the break up as the lyrics themselves are from one person's point of view.
The song is called "Turn the Page" so i would like to go with the idea of using a photo album - containing photos of the couple - and the album is shut when the lyrics "turn the page" are sung.
I would also like to use shots of objects/words etc that remind the girl of her ex-boyfriend. (maybe a few shots of him being behind her but he isn't there when she turns round, to suggest an emotion of longing.)

I have noted from the narrative videos I've watched from other bands that shots of the band are also used in the video, therefore I will try and use shots of a band in my video.


I will be using a camera and a tripod.
I will also need a girl and a boy to include in my filming to represent "the couple".

I hope to film inside a house - particularly a bedroom - where the girl "lives" as this would be where someone would typically go after being upset, I would also be filming on empty streets to amplify her loneliness and heartbreak.

I will be constructing the prop of the photo album with photos of the pair to suggest to the audience what they once were.
I may also need to construct other items to fulfill the idea of the girl seeing reminders of her ex.

I hope to film a friend's band to include in the music video so as to replicate music videos of similar narrative style.